Your Intergroup committee. We are but trusted servants, we do not govern……
Responsible for conducting meetings of Intergroup. The Chair, with the assistance of the Operating Committee, is responsible for the preparation of the agenda for all Intergroup Meetings and its distribution to Intergroup Committee Members before the meeting.
Coordinate all matters and communications connected with the business of Intergroup and the forwarding of information to the Intergroup Officers, when necessary.
Assist the Alternate Chair to learn the duties, scope and responsibilities associated with the Chair’s function.
Work closely with the Social Functions Committee by attending committee meetings and assisting whenever possible.
Take on responsibility to educate Barrie and Area Groups and Meetings of the need to help support Intergroup in its work of spreading the message of A.A. to other suffering alcoholics.
Attend Area Assemblies twice a year (Expenses to be paid by Intergroup).
Alternate Chairperson: Attend all meetings –regular or otherwise. Responsible for the Twelve Step Telephone Answering List with the assistance of the Group Representative, and ensure the List is up to date. Be prepared to work with the Chair in order to learn the necessary duties and responsibilities.
Persons for Twelve Step List should have minimum 1 year sobriety, and will take 1 other person with a minimum 2 years sobriety.
In the absence of the Chair, the Alternate Chair will conduct the monthly meeting and handle any issues where necessary.
Responsible to set up Workshops on Twelve Step work in conjunction with the Office Coordinator.
Serve as liaison for the Intergroup to the District and attend all District Meetings.
Responsible for the receipt and dispersal of all money belonging to the Barrie and Area Intergroup, (with the exception of Social Functions Committee Money). All money to be deposited in a Chartered financial institution. The Treasurer requires a second signature, by the Chairperson or Secretary, on all cheques.
Responsible for submitting a monthly statement on a standardized reporting document, approved by Intergroup Committee. The document will include a statement of Income and Expenses for Barrie and Area Intergroup. For comparative purposes the previous year’s statistics will be included with a current monthly and year to date statistics. No individuals will be recorded in accordance with Tradition Twelve.
The fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31 st.
An auditor(s) within the fellowship, appointed by Intergroup Officers will audit the books prior to any succeeding Treasurer commencing office.
The Treasurer at all times should follow the direction of the Chairperson and the Intergroup Committee.
Contributions by Non A.A. members are not to be accepted
Responsible to coordinate the activities of Central Office and the Telephone Volunteers. Telephone Volunteers are to have minimum 1 year sobriety.
Work with the Intergroup Officers to ensure that the telephone volunteers are fully briefed on telephone techniques and the purpose of the office.
Responsible for the efficient operation and maintenance of the office.
The Central Office Operating Committee is a Sub-Committee of the Intergroup
Responsible for recording the minutes of the Intergroup Meetings and following review by Chairperson distributing the minutes within 2 weeks of the Intergroup Meeting to the Committee and Representatives.
Inform the Webmaster of any pertinent information, such as Workshops, Conventions and Conferences.
Keep a Motion Book to record all motions passed by Intergroup
Get mail and distribute and answer mail when appropriate.
Maintain the Intergroup committee directory.
Maintain the Intergroup files at the Central Office.
The Secretary should follow the directions of the Chairperson of Intergroup.
Chairperson to develop a literature committee to assist in Sales of Literature, pamphlets and Medallions.
Maintain a reasonable amount of A.A. Inventory-books, pamphlets and medallions.
Chairperson to have a literature committee representative available at set times to sell literature and medallions.
Record the sales in a receipt book and provide a receipt to the group. Maintain the Inventory Sheet for all sales.
Submit money from Sales to the Treasurer on a regular basis.
Complete an order form for literature and medallions, when necessary, and forward to the Treasurer.
Take inventory on a regular basis, every three months.
Webmaster must be competent to ensure the website is staying current with all available technology.
Post Medallions and birthdays in a timely manner when requested
Ensure web hosting provider is paid on time.
Answer emails from users asking for help, meeting information and general inquiries. Redirect incoming e-mails to appropriate recipients.
Evaluate suggestions from users and confer with web administrators in other districts.
Ensure that the site does not lose focus on our primary purpose, to help the still suffering alcoholic.
Set up Meeting Lists, keeping all updated and current information. Set Meetings to be able to go to Google Map for Locations.
The Barrie & Area Intergroup is the Central Office for District 8.
District 8 encompasses the South Georgian Bay / Simcoe County Area. Our purpose is to assist all the groups within District 8, as well as groups in bordering districts, in providing information about Alcoholics Anonymous and AA services to the AA community and to members of the general public.
> Maintaining and managing the Intergroup office, including the telephone support lines.
> Managing an informative and up-to-date website.
> Providing a full range of AA approved literature for purchase.
> Maintaining current meeting lists both in print and on-line.
> Assisting in the organization and communication of AA events in the area, such as Round-ups.
The Barrie & Area Intergroup is managed by a committee. The Intergroup Committee has 6 members who belong to AA, have a mandatory required length of continuous sobriety and have been voted in for specific length of term by the groups within District 8. The committee members are but trusted servants, ensuring that the needs of the suffering alcoholic, the groups, the district and the general public are met in a timely, effective and compassionate manner.
Intergroup holds monthly meetings, which may be attended by any member of AA. However, voting rights are limited to groups registered within District 8, by the individual groups’ Intergroup Representative or appointed group member. Each group has but one vote. Intergroup meeting minutes can be obtained by submitting a request through contacting the Intergroup secretary.
If you would like to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of your intergroup committee, how the committee operates you can read the S.O.P. or Standard Operating Procedures.
Intergroup is often the initial point of contact for the suffering alcoholic, their loved ones, the general public, institutions and health professionals. Intergroup is currently looking to fill a number of open telephone support shifts. There are 4 phone shifts per day of 2 – 3 hours in length. The requirements to becoming part of this important and extremely critical support group are:
6 months of continuous sobriety
An ability to clearly communicate verbally and in writing.
A home group.
A commitment to carrying the AA message to alcoholics.
If you are interested in assisting in this important area of service or would like more information, please give the Intergroup office a call, or click on the Service button and send us an email. at
You can also attend the next Intergroup Committee meeting. We would love to see you, visitors are always welcome!
80 Bradford Street
Unit 622
Barrie, ON L4N4B6
Phone: (705) 725-8682
Monday to Friday
From: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Monday to Friday
From: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Walks-Ins Welcome