Th Tradition

“Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” 


We have now implemented an e-transfer option for contributions to Barrie Intergroup


Please email the Treasurer at:    treasurer.barrieintergroup@gmail.com

This email is set for – Auto-Deposit (no Security Question)       

While contributions cover each group’s rent and other expenses, the Seventh Tradition is essential at every level of A.A. service. It is both a privilege and a responsibility for groups and members to ensure that not only their group, but also their intergroup/central office, local services, district, area, and the General Service Office remain self-supporting. This keeps A.A. free of outside influences that might divert us from our primary purpose — to help the alcoholic who still suffers. The amount of our contribution is secondary to the spiritual connection that unites all groups around the world.

Contributions to Barrie and Area Intergroup make it possible for us to op­er­ate as a ser­vice cen­ter ded­i­cated to help­ing new­com­ers who are seek­ing A.A. as well as pro­vid­ing of­fi­cial A.A. ma­te­ri­als and other services to District 8  A.A. groups. We have volunteers operating the Help Line 7 days a week as well as take twelfth step calls.  Your con­tri­bu­tions also make it pos­si­ble for us carry official A.A. pub­li­ca­tions in­clud­ing sev­eral dif­fer­ent lan­guages. We carry Chips & Medallions and pam­phlets and are here to sup­port the A.A. groups in District 8. .

The 7th tra­di­tion is where spir­i­tu­al­ity and money mix. Ac­cord­ing to Bill W., these two facts of our al­co­holic life are in­sep­a­ra­ble. Every time we choose to do twelve step work with other al­co­holics, we are choos­ing to spend time and money to aid our spir­i­tual en­deav­ors. Since AA and all groups within AA are self sup­port­ing through our own con­tri­bu­tions, we must be aware of this fact each and every time we come to­gether to help the al­co­holic who still suf­fers. This page con­tains in­for­ma­tion that may be help­ful to your group or dis­trict treasurer.