District 8 - Area 86 - Panel 74

District 8 is a geographical area which includes all AA groups within the borders of Barrie, Wasaga Beach, Craigleith, Collingwood, Shelburne, Alliston, Tottenham, Bradford, and the western shores of Lake Simcoe. There are 38 Registered A.A. groups within the boundaries of District. 

The District 8 Executive Committee is directly responsible to all of the groups within the district Boundaries, in all matters that affect the groups, the district, Area 86 and A.A. as a whole. It is the direct communication conduit between A.A.’s General service office in New York, the Area 86 Delegate, Area 86 and the Groups.

As part of A.A.’s decision making and voting process, the District 8 DCM (District Committee Member) represents the groups, their voice and their vote at all area 86 functions. It is only through this communication that changes are affected in A.A. 

In addition to these duties, district 8 is also responsible for carrying A.A.’s message of sobriety throughout the District. This is accomplished through the elected functional sub-committees, which include.

    • Bridging the Gap – providing a face-to-face welcome to A.A. within District 8 For anyone coming to the district from hospitals, detox centers, rehab facilities and institutions.

    • Public information – communication with and information to the general public.

    • Communication with  the Professional Community – communication with doctors, lawyers, counsellors, rehabs, hospitals, high schools, local communities.

    • Grapevine, a Meeting in Print – presentation of The Grapevine magazine and the Grapevine books at District and Group events.

    • Archives – the caretaker of the history of District 8 and each A.A. group within its boundaries. 

    Each group is represented at the monthly District committee meetings and the Area Assemblies by the group elected G.S.R. (General Service Representative) The G.S.R. has two main responsibilities:

      • To represent their Home Group at all District meetings and Area Assemblies, providing group information, group communication and voting according to the group conscience.

      • To bring all information from the District Meetings and Area Assemblies and present this information to their Home Group at their Regular group business meetings.

      If you are interested in learning more about service at the District level , please contact the District 8 D.C.M. at dcm.district8@barrieaa.com or better yet, come to our next District meeting. We love having guests.