Dear friends in Sobriety,
Your Barrie and Area Intergroup is committed to providing AA information in an organized way to promote and support service within our District (08).
Currently, our office is undergoing a reorganization process. The Barrie and Area Intergroup serves as the representative voice for all meeting groups in our district, and our effectiveness is contingent upon the engagement of these groups. We can only do as well as the Groups allow us. We encourage you to GET INVOLVED.
As part of our restructuring efforts, we need to modify the phone volunteer shifts. To facilitate this change, we request the names and contact numbers of individuals interested in serving within the Intergroup. We aim to establish a call forwarding system for weekday evenings (Monday to Friday) starting at 4 PM and continuing until the following day, 10 AM. Weekend calls will still be managed from Friday at 4 PM until Monday at 10 AM. Training and information will be provided either in person (preferred) or remotely. Please note that a minimum of one year of sobriety is required for this volunteer position. With sufficient volunteers, we anticipate that the ‘on-call’ phone responsibilities can be rotated among participants. The greater the number of willing volunteers, the less individual duty time will be necessary to cover the shifts.
We are also seeking ‘in-office’ phone volunteers for the shifts from 10 AM to 1 PM (Monday to Friday) and from 1 PM to 4 PM (Wednesday).
Your participation and willingness to serve are crucial in determining how effectively our Intergroup office can offer the necessary support and services to those who reach out to us.
Should you have any questions or require clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours in love and service,
Krystyna W
Office Coordinator
Intergroup Off.: (705) 725-8682
Barrie Intergroup is URGENTLY looking for volunteers for the Call Centre. We need people for the In-Office phone line shift (max 3 hrs) or weekend On-Call shifts from the comfort of your personal phone
Minimum of One (1) year Sobriety
Please join us, Training provided.
For further information contact – Krystyna W. @ (647) 522-1417 or via email @
Or call the Barrie Intergroup office at (705) 725-8682